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アートディレクション 吉田ナオヤ
ISBN 978-4-904541-09-8
本文 ヴァンヌーボVGスノーホワイト 4/6 130kg
表紙 ヴァンヌーボVGスノーホワイト 4/6 105kg
プライク(黒) 4/6 103kg
見返 色上質(黒) 特厚口

Tomoyuki Baba

2,970JPY|148×210㎜|32 Pages|hard cover
Art Direction Naoya Yoshida



Our science have solved a lot of problems to make the impossible possible.
A variety of problems have been solved by our technology which made the impossible possible.
In daily life, we have received benefit from our self-created technologies, but some of which, such as external fertilization and cloning, put a question to us about the meaning of life.
In our lives, we receive benefit from diverse technologies which we ourselves have created, and some of which, such as external fertilization and cloning, are concerned with life ethics.
We could say that civilization and inexhaustible ambition is our very nature.
We could possibly say that civilization and inexhaustible aspiration for progress is our very nature.
However, as a consequence, we may lose things that make us human.
But what is obtained from them might deprive us of things which make us human.
Tomoyuki Baba, the author of this photo-book, uses imagery of living things in an aquarium as motifs to imply the way we are now, and will be in the future.
Whether or not being exposed to struggle for survival is the biggest difference between living things in an aquarium those in the nature.
This point really differentiates the two from each other.
In an aquarium, there are artificial waves, rockwork, and the human as their Creator.
Creatures in an aquarium are brought up surrounded by human-created technologies.
They look almost the same to those living in the nature, but may be becoming quite different beings.
Floating on the other side of the acrylic glass a few decimeters thick, they are as though humans beyond the law of nature.


1981 和歌山県生まれ
2003 天理大学文学部歴史文化学科考古学専攻卒業
2011 日本写真芸術専門学校写真科1部3年制フォトアートコース卒業グループ展
2012 Elemets of light それぞれの光ーPart Ⅱ
2010 GAW展7「路地から路地へ in 西脇」
2011 Acryl (ニコンサロン)
2011 ニコンサロンjuna21入賞

Born in Arita,Wakayama Japan 1981
Based in Knagawa
2003 The Tenri University department-of-literature history culture subject-of-study archaeology speciality

Solo exhibition
2011 Acrylics,Sinjuku Nikon salon,Tokyo
2011 Acrylics, Osaka Nikon salon,Osaka
Group exhibition
2012『Existence』A young four photographer exhibition 2010 Exhibition of GAW7 ,Hyogo
2011 Nikon salon juna21 Winning a prize
