また在学中に、同大出身の大和田良、牧野智晃、本城直季、岡田敦らで結成した写真家集団「Stair AUG」に参加しました。2007年にはロンドンのSaatchi&Saatchi ギャラリー、2010年にはビームスのB GALLERYで個展を開催するなど精力的に活動してきました。
Ayaco Nakamura created the loveable character “USALYMAN”, which depicts the everyday life of Japanese businessmen by using photos and drawings.
While studying at Tokyo Polytechnic University (Graduate School of Arts, Field of Photographic Media), Nakamura privately published an illustrated booklet called “Ayaco Weekly”. This booklet lasted to the 100th issue.
Although these raised a controversy within faculty members because she submitted them as her graduation work. But some of them accepted her works, thus she could manage to receive a master’s degree.
While studying at the graduate school, she took part in a group of photographers named “Stair AUG”, whose members are alumni of the school: Ryo Ohwada, Tomoaki Makino, Naoki Honjyo, and Atsushi Okada.
She has energetically participated in solo exhibitions in Saatchi&Saatchi (London, 2007) and B GALLERY produced by BEAMS (Tokyo, 2010).
We are excited to announce that “Silence”, the first installment of her long-planned trilogy, is published from Libro Arte.
We all came to this world naked, and our death is inevitable.
This view of life and death is reflected in Nakamura’s trilogy.
The animal bones housed in the museum, which had once held spirit and breathed.
The reflection of a tree swinging on the water at night.
The bouquet in close-up.
The school of sardines in the aquarium.
And, the light broke through them.
Nakamura’s ideas conveyed in her trilogy―“Silence”,”Birth”, and ”Daylight”―arose when the world struck a core of her heart. In“Silence”, we see the images Nakamura put into focus and photographed with her hearts in the darkness where all sounds seem to fade away.
2003 東京工芸大学芸術学部写真学科卒
2002 Recollection1999 / Gallery cafe otto(江古田)にて個展
2002 「細江英公と若い仲間達2」出品
2003 Recollection2003/ギャラリー棲山荘(横浜)にて個展
2003 20代作家の挑戦IN&OUT/東京都写真美術館 出品
2003 「細江英公と若い仲間達3」出品
2003 the Award winners of the 13th Annual CenterAwards International Photographic Juried Exhibition 出品/カーメル写真センター(USA)
2004 2003ヤングポートフォリオ展 / 清里フォトアートミュージアム
2004 企画展「Stair AUG」 出品 /コニカミノルタプラザ(新宿)・prospertokyo(代官山)
2006 企画展「テラウチマサトプレゼンツ 1+14横浜写真アパートメント」/北仲WHITE(横浜)
2007 企画展「4C sightseeng tour:How urban culture inspires creativity 」/Saatchi&Saatchi, (LONDON UK)
2008 企画展「Stair AUG photographics」 BEAMS JAPAN B GALLERY(新宿)
2008 個展「週刊あやこ展」/CAMARADA (中目黒)
2008 企画展「StairAUG.photographics 08A/W」/THERME GALLERY(都立大学/東京)
2009 企画展「y-Generation -新進写真家六人展-」
2010 個展 「てがきでおえかき、そしてXmas」/北欧bar風の森(新宿)
2011 個展「Silence」/ BEAMS JAPAN B GALLERY(新宿)大阪、新潟、松本、高崎へ巡回
2011 個展「Birth」/北欧bar風の森(新宿)
Born: 1979, Saitama, Japan
Completed MA, Tokyo Polytechnic University Graduate School of Arts, Media Art Course
Graduated with BA, Tokyo Polytechnic University, Department of Photography
Solo Exhibitions:
2013 "Silence" HASHIBAMI Gallery # (Tokyo, Japan) gallery Birne(Saitama, Japan)
2011 "Silence" BEAMS JAPAN B GALLERY (Tokyo, Japan)
Bloom Gallery (Osaka Japan) ARC OASIS DESIGN NIGATA(Nigata, Japan)
salon as salon (Nagao Japan) Yamana Hachimangu(Gunma, Japan)
2008 "weekly ayaco" CAMARADA (Tokyo, Japan)
2003 "Recollection 2003" Gallery Seizanso (Yokohama, Japan)
2002 "Recollection 1999" Gallery Otto (Tokyo, Japan)
Group Exhibitions:
2012 "PHOTO TAIPEI 2012"(San Want Hotel Taipei ,Taipei)
2012 「YOUNG ART TAIPEI 2012」 / Sheraton Taipei Hotel (Taipei)
2011 "PHOTO TAIPEI 2011"(San Want Hotel Taipei ,Taipei)
2009 "y-Generation -6 young photographers-"
SIBUYA SEIBU art gallery (Tokyo, Japan)
2008 "StairAUG Photographics" BEAMS B Gallery (Tokyo, Japan)
2008 "StairAUG.photographics 08A/W"
2006 "1+14 YOKOHAMA Photo Apartment"
KITANAKA WHITE (Yokohama, Japan)
2004 "StairAUG" Konica Minolta Plaza (Tokyo, Japan)
2003 "IN & OUT" Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography(Tokyo, Japan)
2007 "4C Sightseeing Tour" Saatchi & Saatchi (London, UK)
2004 "Young Portfolio Acquisitions 2003" Kiyosato Museum (Yamanashi, Japan)
2003 "13th Annual Center Awards" Center for Photographic Art Gallery (California, USA)
Ayaco Nakamura HP