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Whispering with elves, trolls, and hidden-folks
keiko kurita写真集

アートディレクション 香坂弓(the pleiades)
ISBN 978-4-89610-258-1
本文:ニューエイジ4/6 135kg
表紙:ニューエイジ4/6 135kg(マットPP加工)

Whispering with elves, trolls, and hidden-folks
keiko kurita

3,630JPY|287×235㎜|56 Pages|Hard Cover
Art Director Yumi Kosaka(the pleiades)



Whispering with elves, trolls, and hidden-folks
C-Type Print : 16x20 Inch / 11x14 Inch

Whispering with elves, trolls, and hidden-folks(小妖精達とのささやき)は、ポーラ美術振興財団若手芸術家在外研修助成を受け、2011年から2012年の1年間滞在したアイスランドにて撮影した写真50点のシリーズです。




Whispering with elves, trolls, and hidden-folks
C-Type Print : 16x20 Inch / 11x14 Inch

Whispering with elves, trolls and hidden-folks is a series of 50 photographs that I took in Iceland between 2011-2012 during my year as an Artist in Residence, granted by POLA Art Foundation.

Iceland is a country with an entirely unique culture among powerful weather and extraordinary nature such as geothermal activities, glacier-cut fjords, lava fields, valleys full of herbs, generous pure water and hot springs. Furthermore, Iceland is a mystical place. In this distinctive environment I was always attracted to eerie senses, as if I was spellbound by the mythical and imaginary beings that dwelled in that nature.

When those mystical views were evoked in me, I took photographs. Optically speaking, only the visible real world can be depicted in the photographs. My attempt however, is to try and capture the correlative phenomenon between invisible figments and real natural principles, and I am gradually getting convinced that it is in truth possible to prove the fantastical recognition through optical media - photography. I try to show the results of my trial within this work, hoping what i have captured has an effect on other people too.

This series of 50 photographs were taken with 1 shutter release on 5x4 films with a pinhole camera and printed in a darkroom. There were no double exposures and no digital manipulation.


keiko kurita
1975年生まれ。写真家。2006年ゴールドスミス・カレッジ・ロンドンのメディア科修了。平成23年度ポーラ美術振興財団 若手芸術家 在外研修助成により1年間アイスランドに滞在。レイキャビーク写真美術館や小海町高原美術館をはじめとするギャラリーや美術館での展示、各地のレジデンス、写真集の刊行など、日本国内外で作品を発表し続けている。  

keiko kurita
b.1975, photographer / artist
post graduated Goldsmiths Collage London MA image and communication 2006

Selected solo exhibitions
2013 B Gallery | Tokyo Japan
2012 Silverprint | London UK
2010 Kagure Work Space | Tokyo Japan
2009 Reykjavík Museum of Photography | Reykjavík Iceland
2009 The ASÍ Art Museum | Reykjavík iceland
2008 PUNCTUM Photo+Graphix Tokyo | Tokyo Japan

Selected Group Exhibitions
2013 POLA MUSEUM ANNEX | Tokyo Japan
2011 Koumi Kohgen Art Museum | Nagano Japan
2010 Kodak Photo Salon | Tokyo Japan
2006 bargehouse oxo tower | London UK

Selected Publications
2010 wonder Iceland | mille books, Japan
2010 mystic water/geothermal | self-publishing, Japan
2007 aquatic water | Utrecht, Japan

2011 POLA ART FOUNDATION | Emerging Artist Overseas Research Grant, Artist in Residence in Iceland
2009 The Nomura Cultural Foundation | Exhibition Grant

keiko kurita HP

Limited Edition
