Kenji Hirasawa of LibroArte

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アートディレクション 安倍悟(株式会社エルレペット)

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表紙 タント 4/6 130K 箔押し加工

Kenji Hirasawa

4,180JPY|297×210㎜|64 Pages|Hard Cover
Art Director Satoru Abe(El Repetto)



リブロアルテでは写真家・Kenji Hirasawa(平澤賢治)の写真集を刊行致します。今回発表する『Portraits』は、Hirasawaが2003年より始めたサーモグラフィー撮影によるシリーズをまとめた写真集です。



Thermographic cameras use heat distribution to form an image of the subject and can reveal figures and a world normally invisible not only to a regular camera, but to the naked eye. Portraits created by this visualization of temperature communicate the warmth of life filled with energy while at the same time seeming to to depict our world as overflowing with hope. Please join us in anticipating Kenji Hirasawa's newest exhibition.

"We have long pondered the question, 'What is life?'. Understanding and explanations are possible with science, with philosophyfrom many different points of view. However, there is an understanding that exists within us that precedes words. That is the idea that Life Is Beautiful. We could say that a portrait of ourselves is a portrait of life." - Kenji Hirasawa


【Kenji Hirasawa /写真家】 
1982年東京都生まれ。ロンドン在住。2006年に慶應義塾大学環境情報学部卒業後、スタジオ勤務を経て独立、渡英します。東京、ロンドンで数々のグループ展に参加するほか、SHOWstudioでも活躍。2011年、写真集『CELEBRITY』(Bemojake)を発表し、ロンドンのギャラリーKK Outletにて同タイトルの個展も開催しました。写真雑誌『PHOTOWORKS』『GUP』の表紙に起用されるなど、注目を集めています。

Born in Tokyo in 1982; currently resides in London. After graduating from Keio University's department of environmental information in 2006, he moved to England and began to operate independently through his studio work. Besides participating in numerous group exhibitions in Tokyo and London, he is also an active contributor to SHOWstudio. In 2011, he released the photo collection Celebrity (from Bemojake) and opened an exhibition of the same title in the London gallery KK Outlet. His work has been on the covers of photography magazines such as Photoworks and GUP and is currently attracting a great deal of attention.

Kenji Hirasawaホームページ

