Saul Leiter : In Stillness

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Saul Leiter: In Stillness 
井津由美子写真集 特装版(限定40部)

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アートディレクション おおうちおさむ(ナノナノグラフィックス)
企画協力 佐藤正子(コンタクト)

Saul Leiter: In Stillness
Yumiko Izu Photobook Special Edition Limited to 40 copies

49,500JPY|300×220㎜|120 Pages | Hard cover
Cloth pasting box | 1 original print (signed, no edition)
Art Director : Osamu Ouchi(nano/nano graphics)
Planning cooperation:Masako Sato(CONTACT)










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『Saul Leiter: In Stillness』はイーストヴィレッジにある彼の仕事場や住居空間や中庭、彼が愛おしみ大事にしてきた遺品を通して、ソール・ライターの人生を辿るプロジェクトだ。ソールは煉瓦造りの建物が並ぶ数ブロックの狭いエリアで、彼の周りに存在するたくさんの美しいものを見出した。「神秘的なことは、身近な場所で起きる」という彼の言葉をそのまま体現するかのように。この作品を通して、謎が多いソール・ライターの人生に、新たな光を当てることができれば幸いだ。


I met Saul Leiter for the first time in the kitchen at Howard Greenberg Gallery in New York. He invited me to his home, and as a great admirer of his work, I gladly accepted. I didn’t know yet that I would visit his enchanting and creative space many times over.

When I visited Saul’s apartment in the East Village, it was a magical experience. We talked about art projects, current affairs, old Japanese woodblock prints, and cats. The conversation was full of humor, laughter, and inspiration. A gentle glance with a smile, the scent of coffee, and the room always overflowing with the light from the sky. I always found myself drawn to the tall glass windows and cracked plaster walls which embodied the passage of time.

Saul moved to East 10th Street in 1952, and for more than four decades he and his companion Soames Bantry shared a life of art. Saul died at home peacefully on November 26, 2013, at the age of 89. Three weeks after Saul’s death, I was granted permission by Margit Erb, the director of the Saul Leiter Foundation, to photograph the inspirational interior of his apartments. Apartments No. 4 and No. 15 were filled with a profound silence, yet I felt his spirit in the air and in the objects he left behind. There were painting tools by the large window, cameras in the cabinet, a hat and scarf on his favorite chair. It seemed that they were waiting for their owner to come back. Today, apartment No. 15 remains as the headquarters of the Saul Leiter Foundation.

Five years later, the foundation permitted me to return and continue photographing Saul’s belongings. He left a myriad of photographs, paintings, watercolors, sketchbooks, cameras, undeveloped film, color slides, watches, letters, poems, books, religious items from his father’s archive, little straw brushes, and keys. Saul’s objects tell us about his life as an artist. They reveal his deep love for Soames and his complex relationship with his parents and his sister.

Saul Leiter: In Stillness helps to tell Saul’s story by depicting the interior and exterior of his living and working spaces in the East Village. Within a few blocks of his home, he found beauty all around him, bringing to life his belief that “mysterious things happen in familiar places.” It is my hope that the world will discover another facet of Saul Leiter through my work.

Yumiko Izu



井津由美子1968年大阪府生まれ。ニューヨーク在住。1998年アメリカ、カリフォルニア州のブルックス大学写真学科を卒業後、ニューヨークで広告写真から写真家のキャリアをスタート。2003年より8x10インチと11x14インチの大型カメラでプラチナ・パラディウムプリント技法による<Secret Garden>シリーズを制作開始。2016年、<Secret Garden>と<Faraway>を収録した写真集『Resonance』をSerindia Contemporaryより出版。2017年から2018年にかけて、微細な鳥の巣と羽根の抽象的イメージで成り立つ<Icarus>シリーズを東京、台北、バンコク、サンタフェ、パリのギャラリーで発表。2020年1月に東京のBunkamuraザ・ミュージアムで開催された「永遠のソール・ライター」展において上映されたプロジェクションに作品を提供。『Saul Leiter: In Stillness』を東京、京都で発表予定。2007年にニューヨーク州ウッドストックのセンター・フォー・フォトグラフィー奨学金受賞、サミュエル・ドースキー美術館に作品が収蔵される。

Yumiko Izu studied at the Visual Arts School in her hometown of Osaka, Japan, and later moved to the United States, where she obtained her B.A. from the Brooks Institute of Photography in California. In 1998 she relocated to New York City, where she worked in commercial and editorial photography before launching her fine art career in 2003, using 8x10 and 11x14 large-format cameras and the platinum/palladium printing process. In 2016, two of her series, Secret Garden (2011) and Faraway (2014), were published by Serindia Contemporary in a book titled Resonance. Both pay homage to the yin and yang of life; the former through the fleeting life cycle of flowers and the latter through a quiet study of animal skulls. Her avian-inspired Icarus (2017)—which was shown in Tokyo, Taipei, Bangkok, Santa Fe, and Paris—is another exploration of the dualities of life and death. Two bodies of work compose this series: detailed platinum prints of birds’ nests taken with a large-format camera and more abstract images rendered using the camera-less photogram method. Her latest color work, Saul Leiter: In Stillness, a visual story of the American artist, will debut in Tokyo and Kyoto in 2020. Izu is a recipient of the 2007 Photographers’ Fellowship from the Center for Photography at Woodstock and has held numerous exhibitions in the United States and Japan. She currently lives and works in Rhinebeck, New York.