At dusk, small fire sparks drew a soft line on the azure-blue sky, and they were so close they seemed like fireflies. And the flames only sounded during the moments when they were blown by a strong wind, scattering sparks all around.
These sparks then disappeared as if they were being drawn into the sky, which was deepening into a blue-black. Following these with my eyes, I pondered where the lights were going.
The color of the sky further deepened, and I strained my eyes carefully to the tiny sparks emerging.
They were blown away, stirred up, and put out by the wind. As I looked at them over and over again, the night fell completely. My skin grew cold, and, at that moment, I gradually recognized a feeling of loss similar to that when I once experienced something very important.
There were no signs of fire any more on the road through the rice fields. The wind got colder and colder. Stars were shining in the colorless night sky.
Toshiya Murakoshi
1980 福島県須賀川市生まれ
2003 日本写真芸術専門学校卒業
2009 東京・清澄白河に自主ギャラリー「TAP」を設立、現在も運営
2011 日本写真協会賞新人賞
2013 「木立を抜けて」タカイシイギャラリー/TAP
2012 「大きな石とオオカミ」plump WorM factory
2011 「土の匂いと」TAP
2010 「雪を見ていた」TAP
2009 「浮雲」TAP
2008 「草をふむ音」蒼穹舎
2006 「あめふり」蒼穹舎
「April-May 2013」@TAP
「January-February 2013」@TAP
「March 2013」@TAP
「January-February2013 」@TAP
「木立を抜けて」@タカイシイギャラリー フォトグラフィ/フィルム
「大きな石とオオカミ 4」@B GALLERY
「大きな石とオオカミ 3」@TAP
「Homeland」@count zero
「f伍」@count zero
「大きな石とオオカミ 2」@TAP
「f 肆」@TAP
「f 参」@TAP
「f 弍」@TAP
「f 壱」@nagune
「f 零」@count zero
「村越としや写真展 4」@TAP
「村越としや写真展 3」@TAP
「村越としや写真展 2」@TAP
「月までの距離は?」@Plaza Gallery「村越としや写真展 1」@TAP
「あめふり」@PLACE M
「彼岸花」@PLACE M
「去るモノの論理」@PLACE M
Toshiya Murakoshi lives and works in Tokyo. He chose his hometown as a photographic subject since 2006. He is working on this series as if tracing the memory of a place where he was present. This series is included in five books published since 2008, and also has been exhibited at TAP, an independent gallery of which he is a member. The 15 works for this exhibition were created at the time when he experienced his grandmother’s death in 2009; the incident was a trigger that prompted an awareness of the relationship between the action of taking photographs of his parents’ house and the memory of his family. These works are follow Murakoshi’s “until and unless”(published in 2010)and “calendula”(published in 2011). Murakoshi began working on this series at greater pace following the Great East Japan Earthquake. He also exhibits past work as well as this series in parallel. His work turns on various time axes that cannot be separated from each other.